Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 6 - Penguin Bay morning

Last night was a classic power struggle. We initially gave the girls the Britz rookie as we thought they would prefer to sleep away from the stench of a bunch of smelly guys, but Kara's long frame was struggling to fit in fully extended so she'd had some pretty poor sleeps. She suggested that Alex and Mikey probably wouldn't notice the difference and that they should swap sleeping quarters with the girls. But the groms weren't going to give up without a fight and a serious debate followed. But two 16 year old kids were never going to win against a school teacher and it wasn't long till the groms were headed to the rookie with their sleeping bags.

Mike and Alex seemed like they were pretty comfortable in there as when I knocked on the window at 6:30am this morning in the fog they weren't keen to get up at all.

But it was worth getting up for, Penguin Bay was head height and glassy.

Zennor vert frontside

Kara just about to make friends with a local longboarder

Mikey was wafting tail on the rights

Zennor vert backside

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