Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 12 - Salami Reef arvo

After such good waves this morning everyone is amped to get back to Salami Bay to session the reef again as the tide comes in. When we arrive it's still a little low but Zennor can't wait and although there are a lot of close-outs there are some dredging rights coming through.

As the tide pushes in, it starts to pump again and the rest of the crew get out there to join Zen. Unfortunately just as it starts to get really good it begins to rain, so not much in the way of pics or video this session.

Back in the camper tonight, Mikey discovers Alex's phone which he "lost" yesterday and threw a little tantrum about. Alex sends something ridiculous like 1500 texts a month (I'm not kidding) and we noticed his phone was brimming with new messages. We thought we'd help the little guy out by answering a few for him. We had to get Mikey to translate the retarded text language kids use these days.

One girl asked "Hae r u bak yet oi?" to which we replied "yeah, just been having a feed off mums teat oi, she's tucking me into bed and is going to read me a story oi" (but we had to get Mikey to write it in that crazy txt code and made sure to add a couple of oi's in there). Another girl asked "Hae wot u up2 oi?" to which we replied "I'm as randy as a rampaging walrus on heat oi, wana come round oi?"

Mikey oi, smaks th bak outa it oi, wat u up2 oi

Wayne got pretty excited with all the texting of girls from Alex's phone, the only girl he's had text messages from in the past has been his sister!

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