Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 10 - Manu Bay Morning

Manu Bay is smoking, the offshore is a little strong, but apart from that it's flawless. Kara is still feeling sick, and even though it's pumping, she sits this session out. We gave our buddy Wayne Norman from Tairua has a habit of sniffing out good waves and turned up to surf with us.

Yeah Alex, we know it's not quite as good as the Mount Reef, but it's all we've got on offer today

Zennor has surfed Manu Bay more than anyone, and he knows what to do out there

Mikey happy to be doing a floater, not bathing in floaters like he was at St Kilda

Alex was forever losing stuff in the camper. Where's my wallet? Where's my phone? I wouldn't surprised if right after this turn he misplaced his surfboard.

Laura is planning on moving to Raglan soon so she's be getting plenty more fun walls like this in the future.

Wayne Norman aka Indo legend Wayan Nyoman

Some inconsiderate bugger ruined this line-up shot by parking that campervan in the way! Oh wait, that was us!

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